Crowning a barrel


Whether putting a crown on a newly made barrel or dressing up an old barrel, this is the last surface contacting the exiting bullet out of the barrel and you could be the best shooter in the world, but if your your crown is not straight the the shot will not be either.

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Crowning refers to contouring the muzzle end of the barrel. It typically involves creating a slight depression or angled surface at the very end of the barrel.

The purpose of crowning is to:
– Protect the rifling at the muzzle
– Ensure the bullet exits the barrel uniformly
– Allow gases to escape evenly as the bullet leaves
– A proper crown is sharp and square to the bore. Common crown angles are 11 degrees or 60 degrees.
– Crowning can help improve accuracy by ensuring consistent bullet release from the barrel.

The process typically involves:
– Dialing in the muzzle by the bore
– Using a piloted cutter to cut the crown at the desired angle
– Creating a chamfer at the lands (rifling)


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